Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pizza Store, take 2

Patrick (above) and Luke ate and ate
We took the kids back to the fun "Pizza Store" with Grammie, Granddad, Uncle Chris and Uncle David. The twins really didn't play at all. They began with dinner and an hour and a half later, they were still eating. Between the two of them, they downed at least 20 chicken nuggets along with handfuls of shredded carrots, red peppers and pineaple chunks. I have never seen them eat that much or for that long. We had to keep the extra big diapers on them for a few days.
Joe spent most of his time with the trains and even worked up the courage to play in the water room once the plastic sharks were removed.
Luke enjoyed the mini merry-go-round
Patrick wan't quite sure
The uncles tried the rock climbing (sorry, Dave) and all of the brothers and Granddad shot baskets until they had enough tickets to buy Joe a cool stuffed Batman. Of course, we don't have any pictures of that, just videos. When we figure out how to convert them, we will try to post it here.


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