Thursday, August 03, 2006

Full House

Cousin Andrew and Libby

Grandpa with Patrick

Joe saying his heartfelt goodbyes to Grandma

Grandma with an armload of baby (Luke on left)

We had so much fun with my family. My cousin Andrew came up, too. I don’t get to see him very often, and we really enjoyed having him here. Joe enjoyed sharing a room with Kolbe every night. Not so much sleep was going on, but it was hard to get mad at them for having so much fun together. We had a monitor in the room when we put them down so we could hear all of their shenanigans. We would listen as they jumped on the beds, whispered and played with the window shade. When someone finally did go into the room to get them back into bed, they couldn’t move fast enough. Kolbe would bounce back down on the bed and hide his face. Joe would sit on his bed and grab fore his covers. (he hadn’t quite figured it out yet – he just new he was about to be in trouble!)

The kiddos went to the park almost every afternoon, and one morning we went to the children’s museum in town here. I thought I was taking pictures during the week, but apparently, I had my sister’s camera. To see pictures of our adventures, please click on the link to her blog.

Poor Miss Libby cut a tooth that week and the twins are still working on a few of their own. It certainly was a zoo around our house – especially at meal times! When they left, Joe spent 15 minutes bawling. “I want Kolbe, Mommy! I want Libby!” When we explained that they went back to Kansas City, he said, “I want city!” It was very sad for us all to see them go.

Joe’s latest feat is in the language department. He answered a “why” question with “because.” I believe the question was, “Why did you push Libby?” The answer came out, “Because, uh….. uh…..” He looked up like he was really trying to think of a reason but just couldn’t. Just this morning he started asking his own “why” questions. I was explaining our wedding picture (we FINALLY got it framed and hung it in the living room) and all about what people wear in weddings – we are trying to prepare him for his role in Brian and Kelli’s wedding in a month. “Daddy’s wearing a tuxedo, Joseph” “Why, mommy, why?” “Because he was getting married. Brian will wear a tuxedo in his wedding” “Why, mommy?” “Because that’s what people wear when they are in a wedding. You’ll wear a tuxedo, too” “Tuk…seedoe, mommy. I wear tuk….seedoe” We’ll see how it goes. It’s tough to get him into his swim suit and he loves to go to the pool. This tuxedo might be rough on him! At least he will look like his daddy and uncles. He’ll be very proud, I’m hoping.


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