Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Halloween. Yes, this late.

Sorry for the ridiculous delay, but here are some Halloween pictures taken at Joe's school. They had an All Saint's Day party, Grandparents Day and Book Fair. Lucky Joe got to have one set of grandparents there for the big day! Patrick and Luke (above) are two dragons. Andrew was a Dragon as well.

Can you guess the saint that Joe was dressed as?

St. George, the dragon-slaying knight. No dragons were actually slain at any point in the day. Thank goodness.

Grammie reading bedtime stories

Granddad giving Andrew a horsey ride. He enjoyed it a lot more than you can tell in this photo. Andrew, that is, not Granddad. Poor Granddad needed a heating pad after all of the boys got through with him. We were so glad to have them come.

This Thanksgiving, we opted not to go home. We'd made many trips to KC this year, and we just couldn't take Joe out of school for that long - especially after that super-long flu episode this fall. We were invited to the home of some friends from Joe's school. It was so nice to share the holiday with another family. We really enjoyed our time.

In other news, tonight at dinner, Andrew said a few words together: "Want more cracker" That's four (4) syllables! Of course, he could have been saying "wa gaa ka ker" Close enough.

While I was rummaging around for the Desitin for Andrew's raw little bottom, I left him naked on top of Joe's bed. In just a matter of seconds, he peed all over the quilt and blanket. Okay, that wasn't so cute. But, lately, when I put him down for a nap or bedtime before Joe, he gets very concerned, asking, "Doh? (Joe)" to the clump of blankets on his bed. They're good buddies.

Finally, Andrew has a cold and a double ear infection so I'm trying to be vigilant at clearing out his mucus. As I was aspirating his nose, he uttered another new word: "TOP!" I 'topped' as soon as his little nose was clear, but it was SO precious. Poor little guy. Yesterday was his feast day and we couldn't even celebrate. The cherry flavored liquid Tylenol is flowing like a river.


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