Saturday, January 27, 2007


Patrick (in the red) and Luke can't get enough of the trains.

There was much joy when the "conductor" pulled out the Thomas engine to attach to a train. All of the little boys around the depot were whispering and chattering in excited anticipation.

Joe LOVED watching all of the trains. They even had little train cookies in the lobby - a great way to get him to leave for the day. He was such a good little boy the whole morning and even shared his cookie with mom and dad. When mom bit off on of the wheels of the train, Joe protested: "Oh, no, mommy! Thomas needs a wheel!" At that point, there was only one wheel left of poor Thomas!



Yes, I know we did this last year around this time. I also know that we got some of the exact same pictures. However, the fascination with the trains is always like new to Joe and was new to the twins. Plus, just seeing all of the pretty flowers puts me in a good mood - the winter blahs were beginning to set in.


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